33-61 Edinburgh Road, Lilydale, 3140, Australia
Edinburgh College






Bus Service

Bus drive

Bus Transport

Edinburgh College operates four buses in the local area providing safe, reliable and secure transport to and from the schools. Bus routes are determined at the beginning of each school year by the Bus Committee. These routes are based on the location of the students requiring bus transport.

Students are dropped off in the designated bus parking area between 8:40—8:50am. They are collected from the same area at 3:20—3:30pm. A bus list is marked each day to ensure your child has boarded the bus before it departs the school.

For more information download the form below:

Government Conveyance Allowance

A government allowance is available to families who live 4.8kms or more from Edinburgh College and cannot access a free bus service. This allowance is paid towards your bus fees each term.